Thursday, March 02, 2006

Linux Tools ramblings

Checked out codecon, they have some nifty stuff going on there.

One of the things was 'monotone', a Version Control System. I was trying to get that pkg installed (onto my Ubuntu system), but kept getting this error:
./monotone-0.25-linux-x86: /usr/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.6' not found (required by ./monotone-0.25-linux-x86)

Googled, found that a couple of people had fixed that (or nearly identical) problem, in different ways, none of which worked for me.

But then I remembered, "Hey, This is Linux", so I downloaded the source, and rebuilt it (after getting all the Boost lib dependencies downloaded & built too). I like the idea that the whole repository is stored in a single SQLite file. (easy to backup)

Long story short (too late, sorry!), monotone looks cool; I'll comment later on how it works for me.

So my current toolkit:
  • Boa-Constructor (only because it somehow helped wxGlade work)
  • VCS: monotone (probably subversion for Sourceforge later)
  • gui-builder : wxGlade for (cross-platform) GUI construction
  • Edit/IDE: PIDA ("Pida Loves you"); hey, I'm a VIM guy
  • testing: probably twill, pyUnit, unittest, I'll see...
  • Language: Python, of course (tried Ruby, it's too Perlish!)

Any other tools you think I'd like better? (yes, I've tried emacs)

Happy coding. (both a suggestion and a statement ;)

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