Monday, February 27, 2006

Was so 'et up' with PyCon 2006, that I had to start my blog...

  • Steve Holden is a good presenter/instructor, and a nice guy. (wxPython tutorial, discussion with Bram Cohen)
  • Grig & Titus had a _lot_ of material about testing & Agile development; it made me want to start writing test cases
  • Bram seemed still geeky, still like the rest of us engineers & coders
  • though I didn't feel like I learned a lot from the wxPython tutorial, and the short wxGlade talk, I must've; yesterday's foray into wxGlade (from Boa-Constructor) was actually quite productive, and I have hope that an 0.1 release (of my stock-option app) is not too far off
  • for anyone in the Dallas area, with even a smidgeon of Python interest, coming to PyCon is a no-brainer
  • the hotel was ok (though I didn't sleep there); the first couple of days, the big (ball) rooms were cold, & the small rooms were hot, but they had that fixed by Saturday; the only other problem was initially Not being able to get the wifi going early Thursday
  • Selenium's only good for web-gui testing, so I'll have to get/do something else for my wxPython gui
  • should lookup CodeCon, see what's been presented there
  • Decimal sounds right for my stock/option pricing info
  • a mini-epiphany occurred to me - I could do a mini-server for my app, and just have any browser do the user presentation; however, now I'm making progress on wxPython, & will finish that first at least
  • education: need to teach my 8th grader Python this summer
ok, I need to stop blogging & get my buttonClicks attached to code. Welcoming comments on anything...


Mark said...

I recommend How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python ( for teaching you 8th grader. My son is using it. Most of the other "learning" books are for people who know how to program already and are learning another language.

Bruce said...

mark -

thanks, I may try that. I'll probably start with what the Canterbury teacher had, which included 3 things, including some sort of turtle-graphics, a guessing game, and a slot-machine simulation.
