Saturday, March 07, 2009

Wow, 6mo since last post?!

Got laid off from my old job, but found a new one before the official word was even out. SW jobs in the US are in serious jeopardy due to this globalization. We'll ride this train until it derails.

Austin is a good place for tennis. There's the, and several other informal leagues, as well as the normal USTA leagues.

Have my C++ TDAPI program working, though it's not made me a better trader yet. So far, it just amplifies whatever I was doing before (more frequent trades, bigger gains AND losses).

As I write this, the DJIA is at 6626, down about 50% from a year ago. And we haven't seen the end of the writedowns, TARP/TALF/bailouts, etc. For a great laugh, check out comedyCentral, look for "jon stewart on santelli".

Stay safe, healthy & happy.